sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Die Welle

"Do you think a dictatorship isn't possible anymore?"
"No way. We're way beyond that."

And so it starts. After having being told he was teaching "autocracy" for the school's project week, a popular but unorthodox high school teacher starts an unusual experiment to demonstrate his students what life is under a dictatorship. The students are told to follow the teacher's leadership, create their own set of values and beliefs for the group, and behave according to the rules during that week. The result?

Well, you should watch the movie to see by yourselves the consequences of creating a small but powerful dictatorship, based on core values such as discipline, unity and team spirit. Very interesting to see how everything develops each day and the meaning the whole movement brings to the lives of every student.

A very interesting movie, with a good cast, and with a strong message successfully delivered. Must see.

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