terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

Social Media - Focusing on... the Consumer

The tools and strategies used by companies to communicate with their customers have been changing significantly since the emergence of a phenomenon known as social media. Particularly on Facebook, we have seen the emergence of thousands of "fan pages" that constantly share comments, photos, events and so on...

But what is the right way to do it? Which effect (positive or negative) will your fan page have on your consumers?? Well much has been written about it, and you can find hundreds of opinions saying what you should do or not do when using social media. My motivation for today's post came this morning after seeing Magnum's latest website (obviously through a friend that post it on Facebook...). The website is a "simple" game that uses a women as the main character and guides you through a bunch of websites, probably the ones that Magnum will have on their next promotional activity... Which in the end primes you with their latest ice cream.

But what I liked about it was the interaction with the consumer, the fact that you can direct your character through all these websites, exactly like a video game, but with the exception that you are actually being advertised (though smoothly) by plenty of other brands and their products! And what is the effect in the end?? Well, in my case it was worth a "like" on their Facebook fan page, and a post on my blog, which for them will hopefully help increasing positive word-of mouth for this campaign.

What we are seeing right now is a transition from an experience stage - where companies and their brands were almost randomly posting content on Facebook and hoping to, ultimately, increase sales - to a stage where companies learned some of the effects of using social media from their own experience, and are now correctly targeting their consumers using the latest available technology and, most importantly, placing the consumer at the center of all attentions. By giving power to the consumer and the opportunity of interacting with your brand, you are giving him/her something that most of the pages are not giving to their communities - interactive entertainment. Real entertainment! Not just simply the one that makes a person "like" the page, but the one that is a worth a post on someone's wall with a label such as "Uau, check this page out!!".

What I have seen lately is the emergence of a couple of brands that are starting to use social media in an effective and appealing way. Here's 2 examples. Enjoy... and "like" it ;)

Today's final thought - definition of customer-centric organization:
Describing an organization that is operated from a customer's point of view. Rather than developing new products and attempting to convince consumers to purchase them, a customer-centric firm listens to their customers and develops products and services their customers need.

1 comentário:

  1. Its all quite true.

    As a consumer i was quite amazed by this type of advertising which is new, elaborated but yet quite easy for its target to enjoy. Like you mentioned its perfect how they smoothly advertise other brands (i say this without knowing if they have any connection at all, but i assume that they do). Nowadays company's can clearly get more and more attention from they're target. By getting themselves in they're consumers shoes, they focus on "our" perspective giving us this way power to interact with the brands through the constant use of never ending new tools like we see in this case, showing us that with creativity not even the sky is the limit.

    This article was perfect. When i saw the ad yesterday i kept on thinking about the effects that can be harvested with something like this, and then i find that you easily took the words out of my mouth showing that i was right on thinking that they are quite positive.
